So you have this website and you feel it’s pretty dull and boring. So how do you spruce it up? You’re not alone in thinking this way for many web designers are looking to add some spark into their work. I tell them, in one word, what they should do – Flash. Use Flash elements. Many people shy of Flash for reasons which I will later discuss in this article, but it has its advantages. The essential thing to remember is to use it appropriately and in moderation. Then it will give a boost to your website. Many designers have unhappy things to say about these “special effects” but I tell you they also have their advantages.

Flash For Introductions

Some designers feel that Flash intros have no use, are time-consuming and will irritate visitors. But you can have Flash intros and keep your audience gripped too. Provide some entertainment that’s related to your site and thus keep your visitors amused. If you know how to properly utilize Flash for intros, you will gain visitors and not lose them.

Great for 3D

3D is a great way to display some things. Here we’ll see how 3D in a Flash design can be terrific for your site.

• Graphics: Your website must have some graphics and using Flash for this element can be a cool thing which will be liked by your audience. But remember; don’t go over the top with it. Then your site will lose its harmony and balance.
3D Menu: Want some innovation? Then attach a 3D menu to your site. It will make things simpler for your visitors as they will access what they want in a quicker way than before. It will also give your web design a classy look, besides giving your visitors a great 3D experience. 
Texts: For headings/title there are few better things than 3D. Don’t give it a second thought; it will give your site a Titanic effect and really grab your visitors’ attention.
Animation: 3D is good when it comes to selling a product. For products that have the latest technology, 3D is most effective; you can show off your product in a much better way with this flashy element.

How Flash can be Harmful

If the Internet provider that your visitor is using is of bad quality, they will find it hard to access your site, especially if your site has too many Flash elements. So you must include only absolutely necessary things on your website, if you want to use Flash. You must also know your users well. If the majority of them are pleased with Flash then no problem; if most of them dislike it or have no need for it for they are using your site just to look for something quickly, stop using it. A middle solution is to have a simple website which has easy navigation and also includes Flash. In short, special effects must be used for special websites, where fun and entertainment matter as much as getting information.

Summing Up

The thumb rule of web design is to keep the interests of your users above everything else. So if they are happy with Flash in your website it’s fine; if they find it inconvenient and unnecessary, then don’t install it. In itself there’s nothing bad about utilizing Flash elements. While your likes and preferences do matter, if you want to do business then putting the customer first matters most of all. So, get designed your website from with flash elements which helps your business to increase its revenue.

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